About Us


We are a new kind of solution.


We’ve taken the traditional practice management software and injected it with three powerful technologies: Artificial Intelligence, load balancing algorithms and document automation. We are the long awaited AI clinical assistant that practices have been waiting for. We are anything but another glorified set of fill-in-the-blank forms that pass as today’s practice management software. We believe it takes real technology to deliver true efficiencies. We believe the best practice management software must deliver the most powerful engines of productivity while being discrete and unobtrusive, and that’s exactly with Lilly AI.

Our software is so stream-lined and intuitive that staff need less than an hour of training. Your staff will simply love using it because Lilly packs such powerful technology under the hood that your patients wait time and door to door time will drop while your staff get to spend more of their time building relationships with their patients and the communities your urgent care clinics serve.




Our People


We are a team of innovative physicians and engineers who believe the profits realized by the Urgent Care industry are far too low for the value they create in the communities they serve. We also believe that over priced, outdated technologies delivering only marginal improvements in efficiency are making matters worse. So, we built a platform that uses modern technologies that have already transformed other industries… because why shouldn’t urgent care centers benefit from the efficiencies these technologies have created? Our engineers and physicians have created one of the first ever practicing AI clinical assistants equipped with load balancing algorithms, document automation and a state of the art telemedicine platform.


How we do what we do



We ask the patient all the right questions. This means near perfect billing documentation and bill generation, reduced liability, and empowers your providers to cover 3+ clinics at a time.

Our software designed linear. With only one way to do everything, your staff will be fully trained in less than an hour. Yep, medical software can be that simple.




Say goodbye to the waiting room and welcome whole new levels of efficiency.

Patients care about two things: 1. To get to a provider so they can start feeling better as quickly as possible. 2. To be treated with kindness and compassion. We got #1 covered for you.
